Simulation-Based Learning Supported by Technology to Enhance Critical Thinking in Nursing Students: Scoping Review
Hege Vistven Stenseth,Simen Alexander Steindal,Marianne Trygg Solberg,Mia Alexandra Ølnes,Anne Lene Sørensen,Camilla Strandell-Laine -
Advanced practice nursing students' experiences with room of horror simulation to promote patient safety: A qualitative study
Hege Hovd Faye-Schjøll,Hege Vistven Stenseth,Maria Helén Iversen,Camilla Olaussen -
The Norwegian version of the nursing student mentors’ competence instrument (MCI): A psychometric validation study
Silje Christin Wang Linnerud,Camilla Olaussen,Jaroslav Zlamal,Monica Evelyn Kvande,Kristine Haddeland,Andréa Aparecida Goncalves Nes -
Postgraduate nursing students’ experiences with simulation-based learning in palliative care education: A qualitative study
Karoline Skedsmo,Hanne Maria S Bingen,Kristin Hofsø,Simen Alexander Steindal,Carina Lundh-Hagelin,Deborah Hilderson -
Sykepleierstudenter lærte mest av kombinert praksis i sykehjem
Camilla Olaussen -
Simulation-based learning in palliative care in postgraduate nursing education: a scoping review
Karoline Skedsmo,Andrea Aparecida Gonçalves Nes,Hege Vistven Stenseth,Kristin Hofsø,Marie Hamilton Larsen,Deborah Hilderson -
Simulation-Based Learning Supported by Technology to Enhance Critical Thinking in Nursing Students: Protocol for a Scoping Review
Hege Vistven Stenseth,Simen Alexander Steindal,Marianne Trygg Solberg,Mia Alexandra Ølnes,Andrea Gomes C. Mohallem,Anne Lene Sørensen -
Integrating simulation training during clinical practice in nursing homes: An experimental study of nursing students´ knowledge acquisition, self-efficacy and learning needs
Camilla Olaussen,Simen Alexander Steindal,Lars-Petter Jelsness-Jørgensen,Ingunn Aase,Hege Vistven Stenseth,Christine Raaen Tvedt -
Kan simulering bidra til å løse praksisutfordringer?
Camilla Olaussen,Espen Gade Rolland,Elisabeth Karlemilsdatter -
Supplementing Clinical Practice in Nursing Homes With Simulation Training: A Qualitative Study of Nursing Students’ Experiences
Camilla Olaussen,Ingunn Aase,Lars-Petter Jelsness-Jørgensen,Christine Raaen Tvedt,Simen Alexander Steindal -
Psychometric properties of the Norwegian version of the clinical learning environment comparison survey
Camilla Olaussen,Lars-Petter Jelsness-Jørgensen,Christine Raaen Tvedt,Dag Hofoss,Ingunn Aase,Simen Alexander Steindal -
Elements in Scenario-Based Simulation Associated with Nursing Students’ Self-Confidence and Satisfaction: A Cross-Sectional Study
Camilla Olaussen,Kristin Heggdal,Christine Raaen Tvedt -
Bruk av metasyntese som metode for å syntetisere kvalitativ forskning: et eksempel hvor HIV-stigma er brukt som tema
Camilla Olaussen,Eli Haugen Bunch -
Kommunikasjonstrening gjennom simulering ved videreutdanning i palliativ omsorg: studentenes erfaringer
Karoline Skedsmo,Hanne Maria S Bingen,Kristin Hofsø,Simen Alexander Steindal,Carina Lundh Hagelin,Deborah Hilderson -
Sykepleierstudenters erfaring ved bruk av VR i prosedyretrening
Hege Vistven Stenseth,Hilde Sundfær,Marit Hegg Reime,Tore Bø,Camilla Olaussen -
Læring med VR for å øve på systematiske ABCDE observasjoner og NEWS2 skåring-Sykepleierstudenters erfaringer
Hege Vistven Stenseth,Camilla Olaussen -
Postgraduate Nursing Students’ Experiences with Simulation-based Learning in Palliative Care Education
Karoline Skedsmo,Hanne Maria S Bingen,Kristin Hofsø,Simen Alexander Steindal,Carina Lundh Hagelin,Deborah Hilderson -
Promoting Patient Safety Using “Room of Horror” Simulation A Qualitative Study of Advanced Practice Nursing Students` Experiences
Hege Hovd Faye-Schjøll,Hege Vistven Stenseth,Maria Hélen Iversen,Camilla Olaussen -
Nursing students`clinical learning: Combining simulation training with nursing home practice
Camilla Olaussen -
Oral presentation of: Integrating simulation training during clinical practice in nursing homes
Camilla Olaussen,Simen Alexander Steindal,Lars-Petter Jelsness-Jørgensen,Hege Vistven Stenseth,Christine Raaen Tvedt -
Oral presentation of Psychometric properties of the Norwegian version of the clinical learning environment comparison survey
Camilla Olaussen,Lars-Petter Jelsness-Jørgensen,Christine Raaen Tvedt,Dag Hofoss,Simen Alexander Steindal -
Kan simulering styrke praksisstudier?
Camilla Olaussen -
Supplementing clinical practice in nursing homes with simulation training: A qualitative study of nursing students´ experiences
Camilla Olaussen,Lars-Petter Jelsness-Jørgensen,Christine Raaen Tvedt,Ingunn Aase,Simen Alexander Steindal -
Clinical practice in nursing homes with scenario based Simulation training as learning support (ClinSim+): A multimethod study
Camilla Olaussen -
Simulation training as learning support during clinical practice in nursing homes
Camilla Olaussen -
The use of simulation as a learning tool in the education of critical care nurses
Kristin Hofsø,Camilla Olaussen,Martin Lindås -
Delirium er en tverrprofesjonell utfordring. Slik forberedes våre sykepleierstudenter
Elisabeth Bell Finnbakk,Camilla Olaussen,Lena Heyn,Gerd Sylvi Sellevold,Ernst Kristian Rødland,Edith Roth Gjevjon -
Glemmer det enkleste – hånden.
Elisabeth Bell Finnbakk,Camilla Olaussen,Lena Heyn