Fatigue in intensive care unit survivors with COVID-19: An observational cohort study
Kristina Struksnes Fjone,Milada Hagen,Jon Henrik Laake,Luis Romundstad,Eirik Alnes Buanes,Kristin Hofsø -
The association between posttraumatic stress symptoms and hope following intensive care unit discharge: Findings from a longitudinal cohort study
Klara Sofia Friberg,Kristin Hofsø,Tone Rustøen,Johan Ræder,Milada Hagen,Kathleen Puntillo -
Subgroups of ICU patients identified by self-reported symptoms - A prospective multicenter study
Christin Saltnes Hansen,Tone Rustøen,Sigrid Beitland,Kathleen Puntillo,Magne Thoresen,Kristin Hofsø -
Objective and subjective cognitive status after intensive care unit treatment for COVID-19
Kristina Struksnes Fjone,Jan Egil Stubberud,Eirik Alnes Buanes,Milada Cvancarova Småstuen,Jon Henrik Laake,Kristin Hofsø -
Inter-rater agreement between patient- and proxy-reported cognitive functioning in intensive care unit patients: A cohort study
Malin Brandvold,Tone Rustøen,Milada Cvancarova Småstuen,Jan Egil Stubberud,Mark van den Boogaard,Kristin Hofsø -
Patient characteristics associated with posttraumatic stress symptoms in intensive care unit survivors during a one-year follow-up: A multicenter study
Klara Friberg,Kristin Hofsø,Tone Rustøen,Johan Ræder,Milada Cvancarova Småstuen,Kathleen Puntillo -
Gravide med akutt, alvorlig respirasjonssvikt utl⊘st av covid-19
Tayyba Naz Aslam,Andreas Barratt-Due,Arnt Eltvedt Fiane,Camilla Margrethe Friis,Kristin Hofsø,Trine Kåsine -
Long-term functional disabilities in intensive care unit survivors: A prospective cohort study
Renato Jr Santiago Mesina,Tone Rustøen,Milada Cvancarova Småstuen,Jon Henrik Laake,Kristin Hofsø -
Non-invasive ventilation in the care of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with palliative care needs: a scoping review
Simen Alexander Steindal,Kristin Hofsø,Hanne Aagaard,Kari Mariussen,Brith Andresen,Vivi Lycke Christensen -
Fokusert ultralyd utført av sykepleiere for å kartlegge hjertesykdom. En systematisk litteraturstudie
Kristoffer Rødseth,Simen Alexander Steindal,Kristin Hofsø -
Postgraduate nursing students’ experiences with simulation-based learning in palliative care education: A qualitative study
Karoline Skedsmo,Hanne Maria S Bingen,Kristin Hofsø,Simen Alexander Steindal,Carina Lundh-Hagelin,Deborah Hilderson -
Self-reported symptoms experienced by intensive care unit patients: a prospective observational multicenter study
Christin Saltnes Hansen,Tone Rustøen,Sigrid Beitland,Kathleen Puntillo,Milada Cvancarova Småstuen,Anners Lerdal -
Sykepleieres erfaringer med oppstart av non-invasiv ventilasjonsbehandling på sengepost med intermediærstue: En kvalitativ studie
Mona Engum Grue,Kristin Hofsø,Alfhild Dihle,Simen Alexander Steindal -
A survey of preferences for respiratory support in the intensive care unit for patients with acute hypoxaemic respiratory failure
Tayyba Naz Aslam,Thomas L. Klitgaard,Christian A. O. Ahlstedt,Finn Husøy Andersen,Michelle S. Chew,Marie O. Collet -
Prevalence of and predictive factors associated with high levels of post-traumatic stress symptoms 3 months after intensive care unit admission: A prospective study
Klara Friberg,Kristin Hofsø,Johan Ræder,Tone Rustøen,Milada Cvancarova Småstuen,Brita Fosser Olsen -
Anxiety and depression in intensive care patients six months after admission to an intensive care unit: A cohort study
Ingrid Bjørnøy,Tone Rustøen,Renato Jr Santiago Mesina,Kristin Hofsø -
Simulation-based learning in palliative care in postgraduate nursing education: a scoping review
Karoline Skedsmo,Andrea Aparecida Gonçalves Nes,Hege Vistven Stenseth,Kristin Hofsø,Marie Hamilton Larsen,Deborah Hilderson -
Post-traumatic stress symptoms six months after ICU admission with COVID-19: Prospective observational study
Kristina Struksnes Fjone,Eirik Alnes Buanes,Milada Cvancarova Småstuen,Jon Henrik Laake,Jan Egil Stubberud,Kristin Hofsø -
A multicenter international prospective study of the validity and reliability of a COVID-19-specific health-related quality of life questionnaire
Cecilie Delphin Amdal,Ragnhild Sørum Falk,Susanne Singer,Madeline Pe,Claire Piccinin,Andrew Bottomley -
Patient characteristics, management and outcomes in a Nordic subset of the “large observational study to understand the global impact of severe acute respiratory failure” (LUNG SAFE) study
Jon Henrik Laake,Milada Cvancarova Småstuen,Morten Hylander Møller,Anders Larsson,Tayyba Naz Aslam,Kristin Hofsø -
En systematisk litteraturstudie om betydningen av ulike ernæringsintervensjoner på utvikling av intensive care unit acquired weakness
Åse Østbø,Simen Alexander Steindal,Kristin Hofsø -
Health-related quality of life in patients with COVID-19; international development of a patient-reported outcome measure
Cecilie Delphin Amdal,Katherine Taylor,Dagmara Kuliś,Ragnhild Sørum Falk,Andrew Bottomley,Juan Ignacio Arraras -
Intensive care nurses’ experiences using volatile anaesthetics in the intensive care unit: An exploratory study
Jim Harald Olsby,Alfhild Dihle,Kristin Hofsø,Simen Alexander Steindal -
Non-invasive ventilation in the palliative care of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a scoping review protocol
Simen Alexander Steindal,Kristin Hofsø,Hanne Aagaard,Kari Mariussen,Brith Andresen,Vivi Lycke Christensen -
Spontaneous versus controlled mechanical ventilation in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome
Tayyba Naz Aslam,Thomas Lass Klitgaard,Kristin Hofsø,Bodil S. Rasmussen,Jon Henrik Laake -
A descriptive study of the surge response and outcomes of ICU patients with COVID-19 during first wave in Nordic countries
Michelle S. Chew,Salla Kattainen,Nicolai Haase,Eirik A. Buanes,Linda B. Kristinsdottir,Kristin Hofsø -
Health-related quality of life issues, including symptoms, in patients with active COVID-19 or post COVID-19; a systematic literature review
Cecilie Delphin Amdal,Madeline Pe,Ragnhild Sørum Falk,Claire Piccinin,Andrew Bottomley,Juan Ignacio Arraras -
Characteristics, management and survival of ICU patients with coronavirus disease-19 in Norway, March-June 2020. A prospective observational study
Jon Henrik Laake,Eirik A. Buanes,Milada C. Småstuen,Reidar Kvåle,Brita Fosser Olsen,Tone Rustøen -
Cancer patients’ diagnosis and symptoms and their family caregivers’ self-efficacy and social support are associated with different caregiver reactions
Guro Lindviksmoen Astrup,Kristin Hofsø,Kristin Bjordal,Tone Rustøen -
Rehabilitering etter Covid-19
Frank Becker,Jon Henrik Laake,Kristin Hofsø -
Intensive care nurses’ experiences of withdrawal of life-sustaining treatments in
intensive care patients: A qualitative study
Ine Fossum Taylor,Alfhild Dihle,Kristin Hofsø,Simen Alexander Steindal -
Quality of life in family caregivers of patients in the intensive care unit: A longitudinal study
Hanne Birgit Alfheim,Milada Cvancarova Småstuen,Kristin Hofsø,Kirsti Tøien,Leiv Arne Rosseland,Tone Rustøen -
Use of simulation-based learning among perioperative nurses and students: A scoping review
Hege Kristin Aslaksen Kaldheim,Ådel Bergland,Mia Alexandra Ølnes,Kristin Hofsø,Alfhild Dihle,Johan Creutzfeldt -
Post-traumatic stress symptoms in family caregivers of intensive care unit patients: A longitudinal study
Hanne Birgit Alfheim,Kristin Hofsø,Milada Cvancarova Småstuen,Kirsti Tøien,Leiv Arne Rosseland,Tone Rustøen -
Multiple symptoms in Family caregivers of intensive care unit patients
Hanne Birgit Alfheim,Leiv Arne Rosseland,Kristin Hofsø,Milada C Småstuen,Tone Rustøen -
Symptom burden and patient characteristics: Association with quality of life in patients with head and neck cancer undergoing radiotherapy
Guro Lindviksmoen Astrup,Tone Rustøen,Kristin Hofsø,Jon Michael Gran,Kristin Bjordal -
Patient factors and quality of life outcomes differ among four subgroups of oncology patients based on symptom occurrence
Guro Lindviksmoen Astrup,Kristin Hofsø,Kristin Bjordal,Marianne Guren,Ingvild Vistad,Bruce Cooper -
Livskvaliteten til kvinner med brystkreft -før, -under og etter strålebehandling
Kristin Hofsø -
The relationships between demographic and clinical characteristics and quality of life during and after radiotherapy: in women with breast cancer
Kristin Hofsø,Kristin Bjordal,Lien My Diep,Tone Rustøen -
Predictors of initial levels and trajectories of depressive symptoms in Women with breast cancer undergoing radiation therapy
Guro Lindviksmoen Astrup,Kristin Hofsø,Steven M. Paul,Christine Miaskowski,Tone Rustøen -
Changes Over Time in Occurrence, Severity, and Distress of Common Symptoms During and After Radiation Therapy for Breast Cancer
Kristin Hofsø,Tone Rustøen,Bruce A. Cooper,Kristin Bjordal,Christine Miaskowski -
Previous Chemotherapy Influences the Symptom Experience and Quality of Life of Women With Breast Cancer Prior to Radiation Therapy
Kristin Hofsø,Christine Miaskowski,Kristin Bjordal,Bruce A. Cooper,Tone Rustøen -
Symptomer ved oppstart av stråleterapi for kvinner med brystkreft som har gjennomgått cellegiftsbehandling
Kristin Hofsø -
Part 2. Chemical and physical restraint in the management of mechanically ventilated patients in the ICU: a patient perspective.
Kristin Hofsø,Fiona Coyer -
Part 1. Chemical and physical restraint in the management of mechanically ventilated patients in the ICU:contributing factors.
Kristin Hofsø,Fiona Coyer -
“Glad to be saved but still longing for death”- The complexity of needs in patients admitted to the ICU after suicide attempt.
Aina Evensen Helme,Mari Asphjell Bjørnaas,Julia Hagen,Tone Rustøen,Tine Kristin Grimholt,Kristin Hofsø -
Hva trenger pasientene fra oss da de våkner på intensiv etter et selvmordsforsøk?
Aina Evensen Helme,Mari Asphjell Bjørnaas,Kristin Hofsø,Tone Rustøen,Julia Hagen,Tine Kristin Grimholt -
Å våkne uten at det var planen- hva trenger pasientene fra oss da de våkner på intensiv etter et selvmordsforsøk
Aina Evensen Helme,Mari Asphjell Bjørnaas,Tine Kristin Grimholt,Kristin Hofsø,Julia Hagen,Tone Rustøen -
Kommunikasjonstrening gjennom simulering ved videreutdanning i palliativ omsorg: studentenes erfaringer
Karoline Skedsmo,Hanne Maria S Bingen,Kristin Hofsø,Simen Alexander Steindal,Carina Lundh Hagelin,Deborah Hilderson -
Patients admitted to ICU after a suicide attempt -A qualitative study about the patients’ experiences with treatment and after care.
Aina Evensen Helme,Julia Hagen,Mari Asphjell Bjørnaas,Tine Kristin Grimholt,Kristin Hofsø,Tone Rustøen -
Symptoms, post-traumatic stress and quality of life in family caregivers of ICU patients
Kristin Hofsø,Leiv Arne Rosseland,Tone Rustøen -
Use of non-invasive ventilation in the palliative care of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a scoping review
Simen Alexander Steindal,Mari Oma Ohnstad,Kristin Heggdal,Marte-Marie Wallander Karlsen,Hanne Aagaard,Kari Sørensen -
Postgraduate Nursing Students’ Experiences with Simulation-based Learning in Palliative Care Education
Karoline Skedsmo,Hanne Maria S Bingen,Kristin Hofsø,Simen Alexander Steindal,Carina Lundh Hagelin,Deborah Hilderson -
Cognitive impairments 6 and 12 months after ICU-admission in COVID-19 patients
Eirik Alnes Buanes,Milada Cvancarova Småstuen,Jon Henrik Laake,Kristin Hofsø -
Symptomer og livskvalitet etter alvorlig Covid-19 infeksjon
Kristin Hofsø -
Physical, mental, and cognitive challenges in ICU survivors
Kristin Hofsø -
Senskader etter intensivbehandling, COVID-19
Kristin Hofsø,Kristina Struksnes Fjone -
Hva er long-Covid? En titt på internasjonale og nasjonale data
Kristin Hofsø -
Overlevelse og langtidsbehandling av COVID-19 i Norge
Kristin Hofsø -
Senskader hos intensivpasienter-innlagt med Covid-19
Kristin Hofsø -
Overlevelsedata og langtidseffekter etter intensivbehandling av COVID-19 i Norge
Kristin Hofsø -
Simulation as an educational approach in the field of perioperative nursing: a scoping review
Hege Kristin Aslaksen Kaldheim,Ådel Bergland,Alfhild Dihle,Mia Alexandra Ølnes,Kristin Hofsø,Johan Creutzfeldt -
Multiple symptoms in family caregivers of intensive care patients
Hanne Birgit Alfheim,Kristin Hofsø,Leiv Arne Rosseland,Tone Rustøen -
Symptombelastning hos pårørende til intensivpasienter
Hanne Birgit Alfheim,Kristin Hofsø,Leiv Arne Rosseland,Tone Rustøen -
The use of simulation as a learning tool in the education of critical care nurses
Kristin Hofsø,Camilla Olaussen,Martin Lindås -
Differences in symptom profile and QOL for women with breast cancer before start of radiotherapy. A comparison of patients with and without adjuvant chemotherapy
Kristin Hofsø,Kristin Bjordal,Christine Miaskowski,Tone Rustøen -
Spørretimen i Ekko (P2) om pandemien
Jan Erlend Leine,Kristin Hofsø -
Spontaneous versus controlled mechanical ventilation in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome - Protocol for a scoping review
Tayyba Naz Aslam,Thomas L. Klitgaard,Morten H. Møller,Anders Perner,Kristin Hofsø,Conni Skrubbeltrang