Forskning og fagutvikling
- Helsekompetanse (health-literacy)
- Pasientundervisning, samvalg og self-management ved kronisk sykdom
- barnekreftoverlevere og seneffekter etter behandling.
- Psoriasis, symptommestring og livskvalitet
- Motiverende samtale (MI)
- Pasientrapporterte utfallsmål (PROMS)
- Systematiske oversiktsartikler
- Komplekse pasienttilstander, samhandling og erfaringer (COMPASS-e), Lovisenberg diakonale høgskole
- “SELMA” Self-management og helsekompetanse forskningsgruppe, Universitetet i Oslo
- Helse og kommunikasjon, Avd for adferdsmedisin, Universitetet i Oslo
- The international research group “the Bodyknowledging program” led by Professor Kristin Heggdal, Lovisenberg Diaconal University College, Norway / Pace University, New York
- Livsforsk (Nasjonalt nettverk for livkvalitetsforskning)
- Norsk nettverk for forskning på helsekompetanse
- Physical Activity and fitness in Childhood Cancer Survivors, OUS/UiO
- Oppfølging etter hjernesvulst hos barn og ungdom (biveileder for stipendiat Anette Ålykkja OUS/UiO)
- Effekt av helsekompetanseintervensjon for nyretransplanterte (biveileder for stipendiat Tone Vidnes, OUS/ UiO)
- Helsekompetanse hos foreldre til barn med epilepsi (hovedveileder for stipendiat Merete Tschamper, UiO/OUS)
- Helsekompetanse: Nøkkelen til helse for personer med kols (PI: Christine Borge, LDS/UiO)
- Colloborative cross-cultural intervention research for the promotion of self-management, health and well-being among patients with chronic illness (PI: Kristin Heggdal)
- Utvikling av rollen som avansert klinisk allmennsykepleier i de kommunale helse- og omsorgs tjenestene (en kvalitativ studie), Ådel Bergland, Adelheid Hillestad, Rebecka M Norman, Marie H Larsen
- Thriving at work, health literacy and person centered care, Ådel Bergland, Tove Vassbø, Marie H Larsen
- Masterseminar (litteraturstudier og kvalitative primærstudier)
- Allmennsykepleie
- Kvantitativ metode
- Barn og ungdom
- Mestring og livskvalitet
- Å leve med kronisk sykdom
- Samvalg og brukermedvirkning
- Helsekompetanse og helsepedagogikk
- Motiverende samtale
- PhD, UiO
- Hovedfag Sykepleievitenskap, UiO
- Videreutdanning i barnesykepleie
- Grunnutdanning i sykepleie LDH
- Videreutdanning i motiverende samtale, OsloMet
- Videreutdanning i pedagogisk basiskompetanse, UiO
Utvalgt arbeidserfaring:
- Førsteamanuensis, LDH (Bachelor / master)
- Forsker i PACCS studien Avdeling for Adferdsmedisin, UiO
- Postdoktor, Avdeling for tverrfaglig helsevitenskap, HELSAM, UiO
- Stipendiat Avdeling for tverrfaglig helsevitenskap, HELSAM, UiO
- Sykepleiefaglig rådgiver, Seksjon for Behandlingsreiser, OUS
- Barnesykepleier, Barneintensiv og Kir Avdeling B2, Rikshospitalet, OUS
Physical activity behaviors and screen time in young childhood cancer survivors: the Physical Activity in Childhood Cancer Survivors Study
Mari Bratteteig,Corina Silvia Rueegg,Hanne Cathrine Lie,Lene Thorsen,Elna Hamilton Larsen,Marie Hamilton Larsen -
Quality Appraisal of Quality of Life Research in Children and Adolescents with Food Allergy: A Systematic Review
Hilde Romsåshagen Aaneland,Marie Hamilton Larsen,Sølvi Helseth,Astrid Klopstad Wahl -
Comparison of Glasgow Coma Scale and Full Outline of UnResponsiveness score to assess the level of consciousness in patients admitted to intensive care units and emergency departments: A quantitative systematic review
Marianne Trygg Solberg,Marie Hamilton Larsen -
Critical care nurses' role in rapid response teams: A qualitative systematic review
Christina Holtsmark,Marie Hamilton Larsen,Simen Alexander Steindal,Marianne Trygg Solberg -
Impacts of a health literacy-informed intervention in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) on hospitalization, health literacy, self-management, quality of life, and health costs – A randomized controlled trial
Christine Råheim Borge,Marie Hamilton Larsen,Richard H. Osborne,Eline Aas,Ingrid Tryland Kolle,Rikke Reinertsen -
Effectiveness of a health communication intervention on health literacy in the first year following kidney transplantation – A randomized controlled study
Tone Karine Vidnes,Astrid Klopstad Wahl,Marie Hamilton Larsen,Käthe Birgitte Meyer,Eivind Engebretsen,Åsmund Hermansen -
Patient preferences in geriatric wards, a survey of health care professionals’ practice, experience and attitudes
Hege Beate Ihle-Hansen,Reidar Pedersen,Siri Færden Westbye,Trygve Johannes Lereim Sævareid,Linn Benita Brøderud,Marie Hamilton Larsen -
Non-invasive ventilation in the care of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with palliative care needs: a scoping review
Simen Alexander Steindal,Kristin Hofsø,Hanne Aagaard,Kari Mariussen,Brith Andresen,Vivi Lycke Christensen -
“The post-it note just said leukemia” - Information exchange challenges of teachers and local stakeholders supporting young childhood cancer survivors at school – A qualitative study from the Physical Activity and Fitness in Childhood Cancer Survivors (PACCS) group
Marie Hamilton Larsen,Elna Hamilton Larsen,Anette Ålykkja,Katrine Aass Underhaug,Ellen Ruud,Hanne Cathrine Lie -
Use of active learning classrooms in health professional education: A scoping review
Hanne Maria S Bingen,Hege Ingeborg Aamlid,Brit Hovland,Andrea Aparecida Gonçalves Nes,Marie Hamilton Larsen,Karoline Skedsmo -
Preliminary validity testing of the eHealth Literacy Questionnaire (eHLQ): a Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) in Norwegian hospitalized patients
Åsmund Hermansen,Marit Helen Andersen,Christine Råheim Borge,Kari Gire Dahl,Marie Hamilton Larsen,Kjersti Lønning -
eHealth literacy among hospital health care providers: a systematic review
Gunhild Brørs,Marie Hamilton Larsen,Linn Benjaminsen Hølvold,Astrid Klopstad Wahl -
Life after paediatric brain tumour; the perspectives of the survivors and their parents
Anette Ålykkja,Elna Hamilton Larsen,Marie Hamilton Larsen,Ellen Ruud,Anita Puhr,Hanne Cathrine Lie -
Empowerment interventions designed for persons living with chronic disease - a systematic review and meta-analysis of the components and efficacy of format on patient-reported outcomes
Natalie Stepanian,Marie Hamilton Larsen,Joshua Mendelsohn,Kari Mariussen,Kristin Heggdal -
Developing and maintaining health literacy: A continuous emotional, cognitive, and social process for parents of children with epilepsy—A qualitative study
Merete Kristin Tschamper,Marie Hamilton Larsen,Astrid Klopstad Wahl,Rita Jakobsen -
Simulation-based learning in palliative care in postgraduate nursing education: a scoping review
Karoline Skedsmo,Andrea Aparecida Gonçalves Nes,Hege Vistven Stenseth,Kristin Hofsø,Marie Hamilton Larsen,Deborah Hilderson -
Critical care nurses' role in the decision-making process of withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment: A qualitative systematic review
Siri Hammersland Heradstveit,Marie Hamilton Larsen,Marianne Trygg Solberg,Simen Alexander Steindal -
Welfare technology interventions among
older people living at home - A systematic
review of RCT studies
Zada Pajalic,Diana Agular de Sousa,Benedicte Sørensen Strøm,Hilde Lausund,Grete Breievne,Sezer Kisa -
The Parent Health Literacy Questionnaire (HLQ-Parent). Adaptation and validity testing with parents of children with epilepsy
Astrid Klopstad Wahl,Åsmund Hermansen,Merete Kristin Tschamper,Richard H. Osborne,Sølvi Helseth,Rita Jakobsen -
Comparison of Systematic inflammatory response syndrome and quick sequential organ failure assessment for prognostic accuracy, detecting sepsis in the Emergency Department: A systematic review
Marius Svendsen,Simen Alexander Steindal,Marie Hamilton Larsen,Marianne Trygg Solberg -
How to co-design a health literacy-informed intervention based on a needs assessment study in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Christine Råheim Borge,Marie Hamilton Larsen,Richard H Osborne,Eivind Engebretsen,Marit Helen Andersen,Ingrid Asbjørnsen Holter -
Perceived barriers and facilitators to physical activity in childhood cancer survivors and their parents: A large-scale interview study from the International PACCS Study
Elna Hamilton Larsen,Anneli Mellblom,Marie Hamilton Larsen,Ellen Ruud,Lene Thorsen,Natasha Nybro Petersen -
The gap between expectations and reality: A qualitative study of psychosocial challenges of young childhood cancer survivors from the PACCS study
Marie Hamilton Larsen,Kjersti Enger Hansson,Elna Hamilton Larsen,Martin Kaj Fridh,Natasha Nybro Petersen,Anneli Mellblom -
Technology-Supported Guidance Models Stimulating the Development of Critical Thinking in Clinical Practice: Mixed Methods Systematic Review
Jaroslav Zlamal,Edith Roth Gjevjon,Mariann Fossum,Marianne Trygg Solberg,Simen Alexander Steindal,Camilla Strandell-Laine -
“A bit of everything”: Health literacy interventions in chronic conditions – a systematic review
Marie Hamilton Larsen,Anne Marit Mengshoel,Marit Helen Andersen,Christine Råheim Borge,Birgitte Ahlsen,Kari Gire Dahl -
The Physical Activity and Fitness in Childhood Cancer Survivors (PACCS) Study: Protocol for an International Mixed Methods Study
Hanne Cathrine Lie,Sigmund Alfred Anderssen,Corina Silvia Rueegg,Truls Raastad,May Grydeland,Lene Thorsen -
Definitions and measurement of health literacy in health and medicine research: A systematic review
Kristin Hjorthaug Urstad,Marit Helen Andersen,Marie Hamilton Larsen,Christine Råheim Borge,Sølvi Helseth,Astrid Klopstad Wahl -
Parents of children with epilepsy: Characteristics associated with high and low levels of health literacy
Merete Kristin Tschamper,Astrid Klopstad Wahl,Åsmund Hermansen,Rita Jakobsen,Marie Hamilton Larsen -
Exploring reported distress before and pain during needle insertion into a venous access port in children with cancer
Steinunn E Egeland,Hanne Cathrine Lie,Ellen Martha Woldseth,Live Korsvold,Ellen Ruud,Marie Hamilton Larsen -
Health Care Professionals' Experiences of Facilitating Patient Activation and Empowerment in Chronic Illness using a Person-Centered and Strengths-Based Self-Management Program
Kristin Heggdal,Natalie Stepanian,Bjørg Synnøve Frøysland Oftedal,Joshua B. Mendelsohn,Marie Hamilton Larsen -
Non-invasive ventilation in the palliative care of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a scoping review protocol
Simen Alexander Steindal,Kristin Hofsø,Hanne Aagaard,Kari Mariussen,Brith Andresen,Vivi Lycke Christensen -
Nursing interventions to cover patients' basic needs in the intensive care context - A systematic review
Marie Hamilton Larsen,Gudrun Johannessen,Kristin Heggdal -
A qualitative study of young childhood cancer survivors and their parents' experiences with treatment-related late effects in everyday life post-treatment
Natasha Nybro Petersen,Helena Hansson,Hanne Cathrine Lie,Maria Brinkkjaer,Benjamin Graungaard,Marie Hamilton Larsen -
Delirium hos barn under to år som er innlagt på en intensiv avdeling - en systematisk oversiktsartikkel
Monica Yvon Holberg,Marie Hamilton Larsen,Kari Mariussen,Nina M Kynø -
Technology-Supported Guidance Models Stimulating the Development of Critical Thinking in Clinical Practice: Protocol for a Mixed Methods Systematic Review
Jaroslav Zlamal,Edith Roth Gjevjon,Mariann Fossum,Marianne Trygg Solberg,Simen Alexander Steindal,Camilla Strandell-Laine -
Usability and value of a digital learning resource in nursing education across European countries: a cross-sectional exploration
Kristin Hjorthaug Urstad,Esther Navarro-Illana,Bjørg Synnøve Frøysland Oftedal,Katharine Whittingham,Santiago Alamar,Richard Windle -
Intervening on health literacy by knowledge translation processes in kidney transplantation: A feasibility study
Marit Helen Andersen,Kristin Hjorthaug Urstad,Marie Hamilton Larsen,Gina Fraas Henrichsen,Eivind Engebretsen,John Ødemark -
“I have to do things differently now, but I make it work”—young childhood cancer survivors’ experiences of self-management
in everyday living
Marie Hamilton Larsen,Elna Hamilton Larsen,Ellen Ruud,Anneli Mellblom,Sunniva Helland,Hanne Cathrine Lie -
Health-care professionals' assessment of a person-centered intervention to empower self-management and health across chronic illness: Qualitative findings from a process evaluation study.
Kristin Heggdal,Joshua Mendelsohn B.,Natalie Stepanian,Bjørg Synnøve Frøysland Oftedal,Marie Hamilton Larsen -
Exploring patients’ and health professionals’ perspectives on health literacy needs in the context of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Christine Råheim Borge,Marie Hamilton Larsen,Richard H Osborne,Eivind Engebretsen,Marit Helen Andersen,Ingrid Asbjørnsen Holter -
Exploring health literacy needs in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): Associations between demographic, clinical variables, psychological well-being and health literacy
Astrid Klopstad Wahl,Richard H Osborne,Marie Hamilton Larsen,Marit Helen Andersen,Ingrid Asbjørnsen Holter,Christine Råheim Borge -
Health literacy profiling in persons with psoriasis – A cluster analysis
Marie Hamilton Larsen,Åsmund Hermansen,Christine Råheim Borge,Yndis A. Staalesen Strumse,Marit Helen Andersen,Astrid Klopstad Wahl -
Patients’ memories from intensive care unit: A qualitative systematic review
Charlotte C. Maartmann-Moe,Marianne Trygg Solberg,Marie Hamilton Larsen,Simen Alexander Steindal -
Technological literacy in nursing education: a scoping review
Andrea Aparecida Gonçalves Nes,Simen Alexander Steindal,Marie Hamilton Larsen,Hanne Camilla Heer Drangsholt,Ellisiv Lærum-Onsager,Edith Roth Gjevjon -
En balansegang: helsepersonells erfaringer med mennesker med kronisk sykdom - en oversiktsartikkel av kvalitative studier
Heidi Holmen,Marie Hamilton Larsen,Merja Helena Sallinen,Lisbeth Thoresen,Birgitte Ahlsen,Marit Helen Andersen -
Available, but not always accessible: A nationwide, qualitative study of multidisciplinary healthcare providers’ experiences with follow-up care after paediatric brain tumour
Anette Ålykkja,Ellen Ruud,Marie Hamilton Larsen,Torun Vatne,Hanne Cathrine Lie -
Processes of knowing in the translation of a health communication intervention for dialysis patients awaiting kidney transplantation
Marit Helen Andersen,Kristin Hjorthaug Urstad,Marie Hamilton Larsen,Eivind Engebretsen,John Ødemark,Anne Eriksen -
Comparison of two behavioural pain scales for the assessment of procedural pain: A systematic review
Hanne Cathrine Birkedal,Marie Hamilton Larsen,Simen Alexander Steindal,Marianne Trygg Solberg -
Viktige sammenhenger mellom aleksitymi og helsekompetanse hos pasienter med psoriasis som har deltatt i klimabehandling
Marie Hamilton Larsen,Yndis S.S. Strumse,Christine Råheim Borge,Marit Helen Andersen,Astrid Klopstad Wahl -
Relevant associations between alexithymia and health-literacy in persons with psoriasis
Marie Hamilton Larsen,Yndis Staalesen,Christine Råheim Borge,Marit Helen Andersen,Astrid Klopstad Wahl -
A validation study of the Norwegian version of the Health Literacy Questionnaire: A robust nine-dimension factor model
Astrid Klopstad Wahl,Åsmund Hermansen,Richard H Osborne,Marie Hamilton Larsen -
Working with patients suffering from chronic diseases can be a balancing act for health care professionals - a meta-synthesis of qualitative studies
Heidi Holmen,Marie Hamilton Larsen,Merja Helena Sallinen,Lisbeth Thoresen,Birgitte Ahlsen,Marit Helen Andersen -
Associations between disease education, self-management support, and health literacy in psoriasis
Marie Hamilton Larsen,Yndis A. Staalesen Strumse,Marit Helen Andersen,Christine Råheim Borge,Astrid Klopstad Wahl -
A systematic review of quality of life research in medicine and health sciences
Kristin Haraldstad,Astrid Klopstad Wahl,Randi Andenæs,John Roger Andersen,Marit Helen Andersen,Elisabeth Grov Beisland -
Samvalg (shared decision-making) og psoriasis: En systematisk oversiktsartikkel av kvalitative og kvantitative studier
Marie Hamilton Larsen,Kåre Birger Hagen,Anne Lene Krogstad,Astrid Klopstad Wahl -
Health literacy - a new piece of the puzzle in psoriasis care? - results from a cross-sectional study
Marie Hamilton Larsen,Yndis Staalesen,Christine Råheim Borge,Richard H Osborne,Marit Helen Andersen,Astrid Klopstad Wahl -
Shared decision - making in psoriasis - A systematic review of quantitative and qualitative studies
Marie Hamilton Larsen,Kåre Birger Hagen,Anne Lene Krogstad,Astrid Klopstad Wahl -
Implementation of a new patient education programme for renal transplant recipients
Kristin Hjorthaug Urstad,Astrid Klopstad Wahl,Eivind Engebretsen,Marie Hamilton Larsen,Tone Karine Vidnes,Anne G K Stenwig -
Aleksitymi, sykdomsforståelse og self-management kompetanse I psoriasiskontekst
Marie Hamilton Larsen,Anne-Lene Krogstad,Astrid Klopstad Wahl -
Alexithymia, illness perception and self-management competency in psoriasis
Marie Hamilton Larsen,Anne Lene Krogstad Polesie,Astrid Klopstad Wahl -
Cost-utility Analysis of Supported Self-management with Motivational Interviewing for Patients with Psoriasis
Marie Hamilton Larsen,Astrid Klopstad Wahl,Anne-Lene Krogstad,Eline Aas -
Psoriasispasienters kunnskap om sykdom og behandling
Astrid Klopstad Wahl,Marie Hamilton Larsen,Anne Lene Krogstad -
Kostnad per QALY analyse av motiverende samtaler som self-management støtte etter klimabehandling for pasienter med psoriasis
Marie Hamilton Larsen,Astrid Klopstad Wahl,Anne Lene Krogstad,Eline Aas -
Motiverende samtaler etter klimabehandling gir mindre psoriasisutslett og positiv effekt på sykdomsforståelse, livskvalitet og mestringstro
Marie Hamilton Larsen,Anne Lene Krogstad,Astrid Klopstad Wahl -
Cost-utility Analysis of Supported Self-management with Motivational Interviewing for Patients with Psoriasis
Marie Hamilton Larsen,Astrid Klopstad Wahl,Anne Lene Krogstad Polesie,Eline Aas -
Positive Changes in Self-management and Disease Severity Following Climate Therapy in People with Psoriasis
Astrid Klopstad Wahl,Eva Langeland,Marie Hamilton Larsen,Hilde Stendal Robinson,Richard H Osborne,Anne Lene Krogstad Polesie -
A telephone based motivational interviewing intervention has positive effects on psoriasis severity and self-management - A randomized controlled trial
Marie Hamilton Larsen,Anne Lene Krogstad Polesie,Eline Aas,Torbjørn Åge Moum,Astrid Klopstad Wahl -
Clinical characteristics associated with illness perception in psoriasis
Astrid Klopstad Wahl,Hilde Stendal Robinson,Eva Langeland,Marie Hamilton Larsen,Anne Lene Krogstad Polesie,Torbjørn Åge Moum -
Psoriasis patients' knowledge about the disease and treatments
Astrid Klopstad Wahl,Torbjørn Åge Moum,Hilde Stendal Robinson,Eva Langeland,Marie Hamilton Larsen,Anne Lene Krogstad Polesie -
Limited evidence of the effects of patient education and self-management interventions in psoriasis patients: A systematic review
Marie Hamilton Larsen,Kåre Birger Hagen,Anne Lene Krogstad Polesie,Eline Aas,Astrid Klopstad Wahl -
Positive mental health among people with psoriasis
Eva Langeland,Hilde Stendal Robinson,Torbjørn Åge Moum,Marie Hamilton Larsen,Astrid Klopstad Wahl -
Mental health among people with psoriasis undergoing patient education in climate therapy
Eva Langeland,Hilde Stendal Robinson,Torbjørn Åge Moum,Marie Hamilton Larsen,Astrid Klopstad Wahl -
Promoting sense of coherence: Salutogenesis among people with psoriasis undergoing patient education in climate therapy
Eva Langeland,Hilde Stendal Robinson,Torbjørn Åge Moum,Marie Hamilton Larsen,Anne Lene Krogstad Polesie,Astrid Klopstad Wahl -
Sense of coherence among people with psoriasis
Eva Langeland,Hilde Stendal Robinson,Marie Hamilton Larsen,Anne Lene Krogstad Polesie,Torbjørn Åge Moum,Astrid Klopstad Wahl -
Self management focus within the Physical activity in childhood cancer survivors study (PACCS)
Marie Hamilton Larsen -
Use of non-invasive ventilation in the palliative care of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a scoping review
Simen Alexander Steindal,Mari Oma Ohnstad,Kristin Heggdal,Marte-Marie Wallander Karlsen,Hanne Aagaard,Kari Sørensen -
The Post-it note just said leukaemia -experiences of teachers and local stakeholders supporting young childhood cancer survivors at school: A qualitative study
Marie Hamilton Larsen,Elna Hamilton Larsen,Anette Ålykkja,Katrine Aass Underhaug,Ellen Ruud,Hanne Cathrine Lie -
"The post-it note just said leukemia” - experiences of teachers and local stakeholders of young childhood cancer survivors attending school – a qualitative study from the PACCS group
Marie Hamilton Larsen,Elna Hamilton Larsen,Anette Ålykkja,Katrine Aass Underhaug,Ellen Ruud,Hanne Cathrine Lie -
I have to do things different, but make it work - childhood cancer survivors experience of self management in daily living
Marie Hamilton Larsen,Elna Hamilton Larsen,Ellen Ruud,Anneli Mellblom,Sunniva Helland,Hanne Cathrine Lie -
Available, but not always accessible: A nationwide, qualitative study of multidisciplinary healthcare providers' experiences with follow-up care after paediatric brain tumour
Anette Ålykkja,Ellen Ruud,Marie Hamilton Larsen,Torun Marie Vatne,Hanne Cathrine Lie -
Helsekompetanse- en oversett faktor i oppfølging av personer med psoriasis?
Marie Hamilton Larsen -
QALY i en behandlingsstudie
Marie Hamilton Larsen -
A systematic snapshot review of quality of life research in medicine and health sciences
Kristin Haraldstad,Astrid Klopstad Wahl,Randi Andenæs,John Roger Andersen,Marit Helen Andersen,Beisland Elisabeth Grov -
Health literacy - a new pierce of The puzzle in psoriasis?
Marie Hamilton Larsen,Christine Råheim Borge,Yndis Staalesen,Astrid Klopstad Wahl -
Motiverende samtaler til pasienter med psoriasis
Marie Hamilton Larsen -
Self-management støtte til kronisk syke- en utfordring for sykepleiere?
Marie Hamilton Larsen -
Psoriasis og klimabehandling – effekt av motiverende samtaler på helseøkonomiske parametre
Marie Hamilton Larsen -
Positive mental health among people with psoriasis
Eva Langeland,Hilde Stendal Robinson,Torbjørn Åge Moum,Marie Hamilton Larsen,Astrid Klopstad Wahl -
Sense of coherence among people with psoriasis
Eva Langeland,Hilde Stendal Robinson,Marie Hamilton Larsen,Anne Lene Krogstad Polesie,Torbjørn Åge Moum,Astrid Klopstad Wahl -
Kronisk sykdom, samvalg og helsekompetanse
Marie Hamilton Larsen -
En ubetydelig brikke
Heidi Holmen,Anne Marit Mengshoel,Lisbeth Thoresen,Marie Hamilton Larsen,Hedda Eik,Christine Råheim Borge