Trainee project

Publisert 16. November 2022, 15:30

Sist oppdatert 16. November 2022, 15:30


The original goal was to prepare registered nurses for entry into the critical care nursing education, through a collaboration between a university hospital and a college of nursing. It has expanded and will now also include preparation and goal oriented clinical practice for newly graduated nurses. Ongoing project.

Research method

Qualitative methods


1) Trainee 2018-2021
2) Newly graduated nurses' entry into the ICU and goal oriented clinical practice

Project Manager

Anne Lene Sørensen

Anne Lene Sørensen

Instituttleder MEVU

Project participants/collaborators

Mons Sjøberg (OUS, LDH)
Marte-Marie W. Karlsen
Camilla Finsand (OUS/LDH)
Siv Karlsson Stafseth